5 Important Life Skills for Adults Living with Disabilities

Adults living with disabilities face unique challenges that can make everyday tasks difficult. But, with some planning and practice, they can learn skills to help them overcome obstacles and live the life they want. Here are five important life skills for adults living with disabilities: 


Adaptive Technology

This refers to technology designed specifically for persons with disabilities in order to increase their independence. Examples include voice-activated software, adapted keyboards, braille displays and other specialised devices. The use of adaptive technology can help individuals access digital content, control devices around the home more easily or communicate more effectively. 


Daily Living Skills

Daily living skills are essential for adults with disabilities to be independent and lead a successful life in the community. These include basic self-care activities like shopping, cooking, cleaning and managing personal hygiene. Additionally, they may involve time management and communication skills as well as employment related tasks such as job searching and resume writing.


Having these daily living skills provides adults with disabilities the chance to manage their own lives more successfully. Having the ability to complete basic tasks on their own can help people feel more confident and in control of their lives. It also allows them to engage positively in social activities such as volunteering or participating in leisure activities that can improve quality of life.


Social Skills

Adults living with disabilities face numerous challenges in their everyday life, but one of the most pressing and often overlooked obstacles is the lack of social skills. Developing these necessary skills can make a world of difference in terms of interacting with other people and forming meaningful relationships. These skills include making introductions, starting conversations, maintaining eye contact and taking turns speaking.


Social skills are not only important for developing lasting friendships, they are also essential tools used in job interviews, work settings, and everyday conversations. By learning how to properly interact with others, individuals with disabilities can gain access to more opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable. They can also become more confident in their ability to stand up for themselves, which in turn will help them advocate for the things they want or need. 


Money Management

Managing finances is a critical life skill that all adults should have an understanding of. However, individuals with disabilities may face additional challenges related to budgeting and financial planning due to barriers such as limited work opportunities or inaccessible banking services. They must develop strategies for effectively managing money so they can achieve financial independence.



It is important for adults living with disabilities to be able to speak up and advocate for their own needs. This includes being able to assertively communicate when requesting accommodations and seeking assistance from others. Learning self-advocacy skills can help individuals gain control of their lives and make sure they are getting the help they need. 

With practice, these life skills can help adults living with disabilities live more independently and build a better future for themselves. Many of these skills are taught in the lifestyle centres of independent living facilities such as Afford Disability. With the right support, it is possible for them to reach their goals and lead rich, fulfilling lives.

8 Ways to Promote Independence in Adults Living with Disabilities

Living with a disability can be difficult, but it doesn’t mean that life has to be without independence. Too often we see adults living with disabilities as victims who lack autonomy and confidence – but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Ultimately, the goal is for your loved one to feel empowered in their own life—so keep these tips in mind as you help them gain independence! With a little bit of effort and dedication, they will be well on their way toward leading an autonomous lifestyle. 


Encourage Participation in Group Activities

Joining a club, social group, or recreational team is a great way to promote independence. Through a shared activity, individuals can build relationships with others while gaining self-confidence and developing social skills. In addition, adults living with disabilities can learn from fellow participants and become inspired to take on new challenges! 


Talk About Money Matters Early On

Although it may be difficult for some parents to have “the talk” about financial matters with their children, it’s an important step toward promoting independence in adults living with disabilities. Teaching adults how to budget, save money, and make responsible choices when using credit will ensure they are able to manage their own finances as they grow older. 


Set Goals and Celebrate Achievements

It’s important to create realistic goals for adults living with disabilities and celebrate milestones along the way. Having a sense of accomplishment can be incredibly empowering, so it’s important to recognize even the smallest victories! 


Prioritise Self-Care

Developing self-care routines and taking time for yourself are great ways to promote independence in adults living with disabilities. It’s important to remember that taking care of your physical and mental health is just as important as any other goal on the road to independence. 


Foster positive social interactions

It’s important for adults with disabilities to have meaningful relationships and experiences outside of their home environment, even when they are living in a Supported Independent Living (SIL) community, such as Afford Disability. Develop a plan that identifies safe places where they can meet new people, such as through special interest clubs, volunteer organisations, or support groups. Encourage them to get involved in activities like art classes or recreational sports teams. 


Allow for choice

People with disabilities should be given the opportunity to make choices whenever possible in their daily lives—no matter how small they may seem. Give them options on what they wear each day, what foods they eat, or when they do certain tasks. By allowing them to make decisions on their own terms, you help bolster their sense of autonomy and self-confidence. 


Provide emotional support

Independence can be daunting at times, especially if your loved one has had limited opportunities to venture out on their own before now. Offer reassurance and encouragement as they make progress towards achieving their goals and strive for more autonomy. Remind them that you’re there to support them each and every step of the way. 


Encourage personal growth

Learning new skills is essential in helping adults with disabilities become more independent and self-sufficient. Seek out workshops, classes, or courses that your loved one can take to develop their capabilities. This could include anything from cooking and budgeting to communication and problem-solving.


At the end of the day, it’s essential to remember that every individual living with disabilities needs different levels of support and understanding—so be sure to be patient, compassionate, and encouraging! With some patience, creativity, and an open mind, you’ll soon help foster a sense of independence in adults living with disabilities.

The Importance of Fibre

A lot of people don’t realise how important fibre is for their overall health. Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest, which means it passes through the digestive system relatively unchanged. This can be beneficial in a number of ways.

For one, fibre helps to keep us regular by adding bulk to our stool and helping it move through our intestines more easily. This can help to prevent constipation and other digestive problems. Fibre can also help to lower cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels, both of which are important for heart health.


Where Is Fibre Found?

Fibre is found in many foods, including fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, beans and lentils. The best way to get enough fibre is to eat a variety of these foods every day. There are a number of cereals and grains that are fortified with fibre.

If you find that you can’t get enough fibre from your diet, there are plenty of over-the-counter fibre supplements that you can add to your diet in order to get the recommended amount of fibre each day.


Types of Fibre

There are two types of fibre – soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre dissolves in water, forming a gel-like substance. This type of fibre can help to lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels. Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and helps to add bulk to stools, making them easier to pass. Both types of fibre are important for overall health.


Fibre Intake

Most people need to eat more fibre. The recommended daily intake for adults is 25-38 grams per day. However, most people only consume about 15 grams of fibre per day. To increase your fibre intake, try to eat more whole grain foods, fruits, vegetables and legumes. You can also look for foods that are fortified with fibre.

If you’re not used to eating a lot of fibre, it’s important to start slowly and increase your intake gradually. This is because eating too much fibre at once can cause bloating, gas and stomach cramps. Drinking plenty of water will also help to reduce these symptoms. So make sure you’re getting enough fibre in your diet – your body will thank you for it!


Not Getting Enough Fibre?

If you’re not getting enough fibre in your diet, it can lead to constipation and other digestive issues. Fibre is an important part of a healthy diet, and it’s essential for keeping your digestive system functioning properly. If you’re not getting enough fibre, you may become constipated and require the use of a stool softener such as Coloxyl.

There are many reasons why we need fibre in our diets – it helps to keep us regular, can lower cholesterol levels and helps to control blood sugar levels. Fibre is also important for a healthy gut, and can help to reduce the risk of some diseases such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Fibre is an important part of a healthy diet and has many benefits for our overall health. Make sure you’re getting enough by including plenty of high-fibre foods in your diet or by taking a supplement if needed. Talk to your doctor if you have further questions about your fibre intake.


Home Remedies for Heartburn Relief

What is Heartburn and Why Does it Happen?

Heartburn, as the name suggests, is a horribly painful and uncomfortable feeling that arises in the chest due to acid coming up from the stomach and toward the throat. This is also referred to as acid reflux. When it is recurrent or severe, it may be GERD (gastro oesophageal reflux disorder)

There are a number of reasons why heartburn may occur. Sometimes, it could happen from something as simple as food or drink that you’ve ingested. Other times, the reasons can get a little more complicated. Being overweight, pregnancy, smoking, drinking alcohol, and or a hiatus hernia (where part of your stomach moves up into the chest).


Common Heartburn Triggers

Common foods and drinks that may trigger heartburn include coffee, alcohol, spicy foods, greasy or fatty foods, pizza, chips or other processed snacks, and cheese. While these are the common culprits, this list is by no means exhaustive and your specific heartburn trigger may not be listed here.


Home Remedies for Heartburn Relief

Recognize and Avoid Your Food Triggers

Can’t seem to eat pizza with hot sauce anymore? Stay away from it! Try to be mindful of which foods and drinks you ingest that trigger your heartburn flare ups. If it helps to keep a food journal, go for it! You can record what you eat and how you feel afterwards. This can help you to avoid your trigger foods more easily.


Eat a Ripe Banana

Bananas are loaded with potassium, which makes it a naturally alkaline food that is great at counteracting the effects of your stomach acid. However, you have to be sure that your banana is ripe, as an unripe banana can actually have the opposite effect.


Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

This can prevent overeating, which in turn prevents your stomach getting too full, and ‘pushing’ the stomach acid up towards your throat. Also, try to avoid big meals before bedtime when you lay down and the effects of heartburn can worsen.


Stop Smoking

Quitting smoking is not only one of the best things you can do for your overall health, but it does a world of wonders in terms of that pesky heartburn you may experience from time to time. In regards to heartburn, smoking decreases saliva and affects the valve that prevents acid from coming up into the throat.


Try an Over-The-Counter Medication

An OTC medication can do wonders for heartburn relief. There are plenty of options available at your local pharmacy, like antacids and histamine blockers. Ask your pharmacist what she recommends. Alternatively, if you believe you need something stronger, see your healthcare provider for a prescription medication.


Minimise Stress

Believe it or not, stress also plays a role in heartburn flare ups. Stress slows digestion and decreases our sensitivity to pain. That can make heartburn more frequent and less bearable. Try breathing exercises, gentle movement such as yoga, or curling up with your favourite book to sit back and relax a little.


Thyroid Disorders: What You Need To Know About Fertility & Pregnancy

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you may want to get some more information regarding your thyroid’s capabilities. Unfortunately, testing for an underactive thyroid is not a normal procedure that most women undergo. Many women are unaware of the effects of an overactive or underactive thyroid on fertility and pregnancy. There are some important things to know about thyroid health, fertility, and pregnancy.


Hyperthyroidism and Pregnancy



If you have hyperthyroidism, you may notice that you have lighter and irregular periods and find it hard to conceive. If you haven’t been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, consider having a blood test done to check. 

Hyperthyroidism During Pregnancy

If you have diagnosed hyperthyroidism and are pregnant, you need to continue taking your thyroid medication. Since these drugs are able to cross the placenta, you need to be on a low dose. Consult with your healthcare provider. 

If you have not been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, you should have your thyroid function checked, as untreated hyperthyroidism can cause miscarriage. It can also lead to increased blood pressure while pregnant.


The risk of relapsing from hyperthyroidism is very high in the first year following pregnancy. Have a blood test done at three months and six months postpartum.

Thyroid medications can also cross into breast milk, so consult with your doctor if you are breastfeeding and on hyperthyroid medication.


Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy



You may notice you have heavy, irregular periods and difficulty trying to conceive. Longer, heavier periods can cause anaemia and other iron-deficiency related illnesses.

Arrange to have a blood test if you are undiagnosed and suspect an issue with your thyroid function.

Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy

Following diagnosis, it’s likely that you will need higher doses of thyroid medications, such as Eltroxin, during pregnancy in order to provide the baby with enough thyroid hormone.

Regular blood tests throughout the course of pregnancy are recommended to keep thyroid functioning at optimal levels.

If you have anemia and take iron supplements, you should take these before your thyroid medication, as it can affect absorption. 


Your doctor will likely recommend that you take the original dose of thyroid medication that you took before becoming pregnant. Continue to have blood work done to test for thyroid issues as soon as a few weeks postpartum.

Your newborn baby will probably receive a heel-prick to have a blood test done confirming thyroid function in order to be medicated as soon as possible if issues arise.

Post-Pregnancy Thyroiditis

In some cases, postpartum women develop a condition known as postpartum thyroiditis, which is an inflammatory thyroid disorder. This condition is usually temporary, but requires treatment. The condition generally appears within the first year following birth, usually between 6 and 12 months postpartum.

It generally begins exhibiting symptoms of hyperthyroidism, then evolves into hypothyroidism.


The most important thing is to have your thyroid function continually monitored if you had issues prior to becoming pregnant. If your periods are irregular and either heavy or light, you should have your thyroid checked if you’re trying to become pregnant.

Consult with your healthcare provider for more information and advice.


Cause & Treatment of Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers, commonly referred to as canker sores, are painful sores that form in your mouth or around the base of your gums. They are normally small in size, but can cause a lot of discomfort when eating, drinking, or speaking.

Canker sores are not contagious and generally disappear within a couple of weeks. Still, if you have a large mouth ulcer or one that is very painful, treatment can help alleviate some of the discomfort.


What Causes Mouth Ulcers?

Though there is no specific cause linked to mouth ulcers, common triggers include biting your cheek, sensitivity to acidic foods, lack of certain vitamins and minerals, poorly fitted braces or dentures, hormonal changes, stress, or infections. 

Sometimes, mouth ulcers can be a sign of a more serious problem. These include celiac disease, IBS, diabetes, Behcet’s disease, or HIV/AIDs.


Symptoms of Mouth Ulcers

There are three types of mouth ulcers, each of which has its own set of symptoms. 


These types of mouth ulcers are small, usually round or oval lesions that generally heal within 1-2 weeks with no scarring. 



Major mouth ulcers are deeper and larger than minor mouth ulcers. The edges are usually irregular and they can take up to six weeks to fully heal. Major canker sores usually result in scarring.



Herpetiform mouth ulcers are teeny-tiny and occur in clusters. They also have irregular edges, but unlike major mouth ulcers, they heal within a couple of weeks with no scarring.


When To See A Doctor

You should check in with your general practitioner if you have extremely large mouth ulcers, if you get new canker sores before the old ones have healed, lesions last more than three weeks, painless lesions, canker sores on the lips, pain with no relief from OTC medications, or mouth ulcers coupled with fever or diarrhoea.

As mentioned, sometimes mouth ulcers can be a sign of a greater problem. So, it’s important to seek medical attention if your mouth ulcers are causing the aforementioned problems.


How To Treat Mouth Ulcers

In general, most canker sores don’t require treatment. But if you are in pain and need some relief, mouth ulcer treatment in Australia can be found at your local pharmacies or even using at-home remedies.

You can try the following for mouth ulcer treatment:

  • Saltwater and baking soda rinse
  • Applying milk of magnesia or baking soda paste to the mouth ulcer
  • OTC benzocaine products
  • Applying ice to the mouth ulcer
  • Using a mouth rinse that contains steroids
  • Nutritional supplements


How To Prevent Mouth Ulcers

  • There are steps you can take to reduce the frequency and severity of mouth ulcers. Avoid acidic fruits like grapefruit, pineapple, oranges, or lemons. Spicy foods may also trigger canker sores.
  • Take a daily multivitamin.
  • Avoid speaking while chewing to minimise accidentally biting your cheeks or tongue.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Avoid mouthwashes that contain sodium lauryl sulphate.
  • Get enough sleep each night.


Mouth ulcers are certainly not pleasant but are usually harmless and go away on their own without treatment.


Baby Teething Tips

Teething is an unfortunately painful process that every baby has to endure. Most babies begin teething around six months old. This means achy gums, nonstop drooling, and increased fussiness. During this period of time, parents and babies alike both have their own set of trials and tribulations. Thankfully, there are some tried and true tips to ensure your baby’s teething phase is as pain-free as possible. 


Gum Massage

Gentle pressure is known to relieve some of the discomfort associated with teething. Be sure your hands are clean first! You can also use a cold compress or sterile gauze pad. This should help the baby fall asleep.


Frozen Washcloth

Try dipping a washcloth in watermelon juice and then freezing it. Try using a textured washcloth to add friction when the baby sucks or chews on it. The soft, sweet surface to bite will immediately soothe your little one.


Chilled or Frozen Fruits

If your baby has begun to chew on solid foods, try freezing watermelon as well. If frozen watermelon is too hard, you can refrigerate it for a while until it is nicely chilled. You can also try this method with bananas or strawberries. 


Wipe the Drool

The excessive drooling that is associated with teething can lead to nasty rashes, which in turn could lead to more discomfort for your little one. You could also try a bib, since many babies will soak their clothes due to the constant drooling.


Pacifiers or Teething Rings 

Try freezing a pacifier or teething ring to comfort your baby during the teething process. Use something you know your child likes already. Aim for just 10-15 minutes in the freezer, to bring it to a comfortable temperature without getting it too cold.

Some teething rings are not meant to be frozen – in this instance, you should try putting it in the refrigerator for a few minutes to slightly lower the temperature.


Milk Popsicles

It’s known that the unpleasantness associated with teething can cause some babies and toddlers to refuse their food. In this case, you have to ensure your child is staying hydrated and receiving the proper amount of nourishment. You can use a BPA-free mould to create milk popsicles! Be sure to use a bib or lay down a towel, as these can get quite messy as they begin to melt. 


Foot Massage

Did you know that there are connections between your toes and your teeth? Well, the same goes for babies. Focusing on the toes, try giving your little one a foot massage to ease some of the gum pain.


Extra Cuddles

Sometimes, when all else fails, extra cuddles can do a world of wonders for a baby in pain. Whether it’s mom or dad, or another caretaker, cuddling will provide your baby with a sense of calm, relaxation, and reassurance. 



Over-the-counter pain medications are sometimes recommended for babies who are teething. The most popular option is baby paracetamol. You can find baby paracetamol in New Zealand in your local pharmacy. Be sure to consult with your baby’s doctor in order to ensure you are using the correct dosage. This is generally used as a last resort, but can be an effective way to ease your baby’s pain.


Visit the Dentist

Ensure your baby’s teething process is going smoothly by taking him to the dentist within six months of the first tooth poking through. This will ensure healthy teeth and gums as your baby’s teeth continue to erupt and beyond.


Lidocaine Cream Uses & Side Effects

Lidocaine cream is a topical medication that is applied to the skin in order to prevent pain or itching and treat mild discomfort. The cream acts as a local anaesthetic and causes a temporary numbness on the applied areas by inhibiting the nerve endings on the skin. It does not cause unconsciousness like a general anaesthetic. 

Lidocaine cream can be used during superficial cosmetic procedures, such as getting a tattoo or laser hair removal. It can be used to treat pain or discomfort caused by a sunburn, insect bites, poison ivy, or other minor cuts and scratches. It can also be used during some medical procedures.

Side effects from lidocaine cream are generally rare and mild in nature, making lidocaine cream a commonly used local anaesthetic. 


Lidocaine Cream Uses

Skin Conditions

Lidocaine is commonly used to treat pain, itching, or discomfort caused by any number of topical skin conditions. These include mild cuts and scrapes, sunburn, insect stings or bites, eczema, and superficial burns. Lidocaine cream is also used to treat pain caused by haemorrhoids. Since it is safe to use on mucous membranes as well, lidocaine cream can be used for conditions around the anus and genitals, such as anal fissures. It is also commonly used to treat the discomfort associated with a herpes outbreak.

In addition, lidocaine may be used for the itching associated with poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac.

Medical & Cosmetic Procedures

Lidocaine cream may be used to relieve the discomfort caused by certain medical procedures. These include something as simple as getting vaccinated, to more involved medical procedures, such as a cystoscopy, mammogram, or sigmoidoscopy. 

It is also commonly used during painful cosmetic procedures, including tattoo or tattoo removal and laser hair removal. Microdermabrasion, waxing, filler injection, and body piercing are other cosmetic procedures that may use lidocaine as a numbing agent.


How to Apply Lidocaine Cream

If using a prescription lidocaine cream, following the advice of your doctor or pharmacist is important in avoiding serious complications. If using an OTC lidocaine cream, follow the instructions on the package. Be sure to use only the recommended dose for the recommended time. 

For example, if your doctor recommended that you apply lidocaine cream two hours before a procedure, applying it four hours beforehand will do more harm than good. 

Do not apply the cream on open wounds or sores.

Gently wash the affected area and pat dry. Apply a thin layer of lidocaine cream as recommended.


Lidocaine Cream Side Effects

Most people who use lidocaine cream do not experience significant side effects. There may be some redness or stinging at the application site, but this is temporary.

Signs of an allergic reaction include difficulty breathing, hives, or swelling and inflammation of the face, tongue, or throat. Seek emergency medical assistance if you notice signs of an allergic reaction.

Serious side effects are rare, but may include seizures, irregular heartbeat, sudden dizziness or drowsiness, severe headache or vomiting, confusion, problems with speech or hearing, or severe burning or sensation at the application site. This is not a complete list of side effects. Contact a medical professional for information about side effects.


Financial Planners Help You Accomplish Your Money Goals

A financial planner has become a crucial service in life. Planners help you with financial matters, such as savings, budgets, and even retirement – and more besides. It might not seem overly important to hire someone; however, they can do a lot of good. Money is not a subject that’s easy to understand, but one that needs to be spot on. So, how can a financial planner help you achieve your goals?

Understanding What a Financial Planner Sydney Does

Financial planners analyse every financial aspect possible. For instance, you want to put money away for retirement. It’s a smart option because no one wants to work in their golden years. You want to make sure there is enough money to support you and your family. A financial planner will look at the type of goals you want to set and then build a plan to reach them. It can be retirement savings, education for children, money to support certain family members when you’re no longer around, insurance, and more. Planners will help you achieve your financial goals.

Advisors or Planners – Which Do You Need?

While many financial advisors and planners are similar in nature, advisors have a broader range. For instance, they can become your stockbroker, as well as manage your investments. Planners, however, offer a targeted service. A financial planner Sydney could be the better solution when you want to create financial goals or build a plan for managing your money. Planners get down to the nitty gritty of it all and find out what you need from your money and how best to achieve it. Advisors do offer a crucial service too; however, planners can focus on the main goal. More details!

Why Planners Matter

Let’s be honest, you know how to manage money – at least you should. If you don’t, planners can help create a stable household budget. However, a financial planner can also help determine what goals you want to accomplishment. For example, you’re 35, have one child, and single. You also look after a disabled relative. You want to put money aside for your child’s education; however, you also want to put money aside for your disabled relative. A planner can help determine how best to proceed and how to manage your money better.

Help at Hand

It’s easy to say you can put aside money each month, but is that going to be enough for your retirement? Finances can be incredibly tough to deal with, even when you have enough to see you through. You need to make smart decisions, especially if you wanted to invest for the future. A financial planner Sydney would help you determine what course to take. Planners can be at your side forever if needs be; however, they can offer a valuable service.

Be a Smart Investor

Money is a complicated subject, even when you know a lot about it. You have to consider the future as well as now because you never know what’s around the corner. It’s important to consider retirement, current and future savings, along with investments. Getting help from a planner can allow you to reach those financial goals. A financial planner should never be ruled out because their services provide help when you need it most. To find out more, check out https://www.breadandmoney.com/top-reasons-why-financial-planning-is-crucial/

5 Common Ailments That You Can Treat at Home

Running a household isn’t easy, especially if your family members start getting sick. But the reality is, someone will feel sick at some point, and you have to be ready for it with remedies that will allow family members to feel better without having to rush to the hospital. 


Here are five common ailments that you can easily treat at home:

Cold and flu

Anyone can catch a cold or flu at any time of the year, but flu season is when you can expect one or more of your family members to get sick. Flu is usually transmitted through hand-to-hand contact, and symptoms can vary from a simple fever to intense fatigue and pain. 

If a family member is down with the flu, you need to let them rest and drink lots of clear fluids to keep them hydrated. It’s also important to isolate them to avoid spreading the virus to the entire household and let them eat a well-balanced diet. Of course, you need to have some antipyretics and decongestants handy for them to take.



Constipation is a very common ailment that can happen to anyone at any time. It’s mostly caused by lifestyle choices like the food you eat and the medication you take, but it can also be due to a medical condition. 

Now, if a member of your family gets constipated, that could be very uncomfortable and even painful at some point. This is why you need to have Coloxyl NZ in stock to provide fast relief to anyone experiencing constipation in your household.



If you have family members who are allergic to certain things—food, pollen, pet dander, or latex—it’s important to have home remedies at all times like antihistamines and even an EpiPen because you’ll never know when you’ll need them. Allergies can lead to a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, skin irritation, and watery eyes. 

While it’s crucial to avoid allergy triggers at home, you also need to have some medications on hand to ensure that you can act fast if someone in your household suddenly gets an allergy.



Also known as pink eye, conjunctivitis causes the conjunctiva to be swollen due to an allergic reaction, irritation by some chemicals, or a viral or bacterial infection. Your family member could experience redness, tearing, itching and even some discharges in their eye that you need to make sure that you have eye drops at home.



Finally, there’s diarrhoea, another common ailment usually caused by contaminated food or water. Aside from making sure that the family member is properly hydrated, it would also help to have some medications that will help prevent dehydration and treat the problem right away. 


It’s also very important to make some changes in your diet and seek medical consultation if things get worse even after some home remedies were applied. This will help rule out any medical conditions that could be causing the diarrhoea. Your doctor can also provide the right answers to all your questions regarding your condition.